This is a companion page to Far North Express 82, January 2021.
Links mentioned in the magazine and some extra material:
On 13 January 2021 The Scottish Green Party published a report that John Finnie MSP had commissioned on its behalf from Deltix Transport Consulting.
Here is the link to Aberdeen to Inverness Rail Improvement Project - Network Rail, 2010.
These four plans give detailed views of the area of the new station.
On 19 August 2020 the Friends of the Kyle Line helped celebrate the 150th anniversary of the line reaching Stromeferry.
ScotRail provided a plaque to be fixed to the station building.
FOTKL 'headboard' and flags |
Welcome for Kyle train |
The ScotRail plaque in situ |
Have a closer look at Leo's painting of the view from Helmsdale Station.
The view from the sitting room of Helmsdale Station - Leo du Feu |
Parry People Mover biomethane conversion demonstration |
Artist's impression of production vehicle |
Caroline and 37421 at Garve on 16 October 2020 - Photo: Peter Moore |
Caroline in Hastings on 18 July 1985 - Photo: Sandy Colley |
FoFNL member Janet Mackenzie's photos.
Travelling north to Thurso - 1960 |
Northbound goods near Helmsdale - 1963 |