FoFNL 25: Marking 25 Years of the Friends of the Far North Line

FoFNL has published a 76pp A5 book to mark the 25th anniversary of its formation.
The book contains articles written specially, a 'timeline' of excerpts from our magazines/newsletters and other documents, and some pages of beautiful photographs of the line.
It gives an idea of what rail campaigning consists of - and how long it can sometimes take for things to come to fruition!
It is available directly from us, priced £5.00 including UK p+p. If you live outside the UK please don't use the PayPal button but make a BACS payment of £8.00 as outlined below.
If you do not wish to purchase using PayPal please either send an email to and make a BACS payment to:
Acc no: 00358919
Sort code: 80-91-26
IBAN: GB11 BOFS 8091 2600 3589 19
using your name as reference,
or post a cheque, payable to Friends of the Far North Line for £5.00 to:
FoFNL 25
3 Villafield Loan
G64 3NZ