Minutes of Committee Meeting, Inverness Thursday 8th January, 2015
Present: Richard Ardern (RJA) (in the Chair) ; Iain MacDonald (IM) ; Sandy Colley (SC) ; Ian Budd (IB) ; Malcolm Wood (MGW) ; Frank Roach (FR).
(1) Apologies for absence:
Bob Barnes-Watts (BBW) ; Stewart Campbell (SC) ; David Start (DS) ; Angus Stewart (AS).
(2) The Minutes of the last meeting at Alness, on 27 October, were approved.
(3) It should be noted that the numbers allocated to items in these minutes do not accord with the Agenda as events caused us to depart from it.
(4) Treasurer's Report:
RJA had received an update from DS dated 01-01-2015. Account balances showing £9,000.00 and £6,421.90. Since the October meeting, DS had sent MGW and BBW mandate forms, which had been duly signed and returned to him.
(5) 2015 A.G.M.
The date for the 2015 A.G.M. has been fixed for Friday 19th June, in Inverness. Richard to investigate the Royal Highland Hotel (Station Hotel). Action: RJA.
(6) Frank Roach then gave a wide-ranging presentation, illustrated with slides and led discussion re possible redevelopment of Inverness station, including Abellio proposals and other possibilities. This led on to possible infrastructure improvements around Inverness, Dalcross station, a possible Evanton station and extra loop provision on FNL.
(7) Ian Budd was confirmed as FoFNL's new Newsletter Editor. Ian gave a short presentation of newly included content and future possibilities were discussed.