FoFNL annual membership costs £18.00, or £15.00 if you decide to set up a Standing Order or use the PayPal 'Subscribe' option.
Life Membership is £120.00
Please consider paying by Standing Order or PayPal subscription - it saves you £3 and saves us much time and postage sending out future reminders!
We currently have three methods of payment:
1 Instant payments using PayPal. Your details will be automatically collected.
One year's membership |
Continuous membership |
Life membership |
2 Internet banking:
Acc no: 00358919
Sort code: 80-91-26
IBAN: GB11 BOFS 8091 2600 3589 19
Please use your name as reference
If using internet banking please also email Richard Mansfield, our Membership Secretary - - with your postal address, and phone number.
Please let Richard know whether you are taking out membership for one year at £18, or have set up a Standing Order for £15.
3 Payment using the printed form: please download, print out, complete, and send the application form.
You can either send a cheque for £18 for one year's membership, or fill in the Standing Order Mandate for £15 per year.
In order to comply with EU legislation concerning data protection - the EU General Data Protection Regulation which is in force from 25th May 2018 - we now have three documents relating to FoFNL membership: