All Abilities Access To Tain Railway Station
The Tain community have expressed concern for a number of years over the lack of an access to the south bound platform at Tain railway station for members of the community who are disabled, elderly or parents with young children, prams etc. The only access at present is over a high stepped bridge, which is at best difficult but often impossible for all members of the community to use.
Transport within such a rural community as this is the cornerstone for all economic and social activities. The introduction of the commuter train from Tain was a real boost to the local community however the lack of opportunity for all abilities within the area to use this service is a situation that needs addressing.
The Tain Initiative Group, a local voluntary organisation who aim to assist the community in improving social, economic, recreational and environmental facilities and services in Tain agreed to develop this project. The first phase of the project was to secure funding to enable a professional surveyor to be appointed to liase with all the statutory agencies to agree and design a plan for an access and to gain all necessary approval for this to proceed. Funding for this stage was secured from Shell Better Britain Campaign and this work has now been completed.
The project is now in the second phase and the Group are working hard to secure all the necessary funding to enable the contract works to begin. HITRANS, a partnership comprising the 7 local authorities in the Highlands and Islands, Highlands & Islands Enterprise and the Scottish Council for Development and Industry have agreed to contribute 27% of the funding required. The balance of funding is dependant on a number of applications, which have been submitted to various potential funders, and it is hoped that the project may be fully funded by March 2003.