Membership Matters
Enclosed with this issue of the newsletter was an invitation to re-new your membership as from the 31st March. We will continue sending out these forms with every issue to give members a convenient way of encouraging their friends to join us, so please don't get confused and think that we don't realised that you have joined us. We will send you a reminder should that be the case!
Please do everything you can to increase our numbers so that we can convince the future operator of the line that we represent an important cross section of the public having an interest in the Far North Line.
If you are not yet a member please consider joining now. Individual membership only costs 7pound;7.00 per annum. Unfortunately it is not possible to join online but please take a moment to print out a form which you can then post, along with payment.
(Note for members that have joined since October 2002 your membership is current until March 2004)