Newsletter of The Friends of The Far North Line
The campaign group for rail, north of Inverness, lobbying for improved services for the local user, tourist and freight operator
Issue 36
January 2006

Launching Invernet (left to right) - Stuart Black (INBSE), Alison Magee (convener, Highland Council), Frank Roach (Highland Rail Partnership), Cllr. Angela Maclean (Conon & Maryburgh), Maureen Macmillan MSP, Maitland Hyslop (RACE) and Cllr. Sheena Slimon (Badenoch West)
First ScotRail

Richard Ardern

Two Class 156 trains at Muir of Ord in 1990. Muir of Ord was the ternminus station following the collapse of the Ness Bridge. Class 156 trains were modified to allow more cycle space in the mid 1990s. FoFNL would like to see similar modifications to Class 158 rolling stock in the Highlands to allow for more cycle and luggage space.
Richard Ardern

Oh! Happy Day - 12th December 2005
The 'Father' of Invernet, Frank Roach, proudly shows off his 'baby'!
The 'Father' of Invernet, Frank Roach, proudly shows off his 'baby'!
Richard Ardern