scotland (4K)
The Friends of the Far North Line
Cairdean Na Loine Tuath
the campaign group for rail north of Inverness - lobbying for improved services for the local user, tourist and freight operator


A Winter meeting will take place on Friday 24 February 19.30 in the lounge of Crown Church, Kingsmills Road, Inverness. The Speaker will be Mr. Richard Mansfield of British Transport Police.

Crown Church is at the top of Stephen's Brae above the Eastgate Centre at the junction with Midmills Road and Kingsmills Road. There is a small car park on Kingsmills Road between the church and Crown Primary School. The lounge is in the low building adjacent to the car park and that (garden) entrance to the church premises should be used.


Keep Saturday 10 June free in your diary as the likely date for our summer excursion, possibly to the Invershin/Culrain area or to Forsinard for a guided tour with the RSPB. Please get in touch and let us know your preferences. Further details in the May newsletter.


A highly amusing short story has recently been published about two cooncillors, one from Caithness and one from East Sutherland and their surprising scheme to speed up the Far North Line.

"Off the Level : a tale of treachery and triumph" is available from the author, Alasdair Munro, at 36 Eriskay Road, Inverness, IV2 3LX at £3.00 including postage.


As requested at the 2005 AGM we are announcing the 2006 AGM as taking place in Thurso on 25th November with a presidential address from John Thurso.