scotland (4K)
The Friends of the Far North Line
Cairdean Na Loine Tuath
the campaign group for rail north of Inverness - lobbying for improved services for the local user, tourist and freight operator

Report of Committee meeting, Brora, 19th November 2001

Richard Ardern was welcomed as a co-opted member. Membership stands at 175 but will be subjected to fluctuations as subscriptions become due in early 2002. Acting on the request of the AGM the committee agreed a £5 membership rate for senior citizens, students in full time education and the unwaged.

We were encouraged by passenger numbers on the new winter Sunday trains and on our own publicity distribution in many of the townships in early October. However, given the success of the low cost joint marketing of the Tain commuter service we regretted the decision of ScotRail to decline our offer of pooled working. We also regretted their subsequent delay in achieving timely distribution of the Free Ticket Offer leaflets outside the main towns.

Frank Roach would be approached to follow up his article in the autumn Newsletter on costs and time savings of any Dornoch link. Should such a scheme become feasible the committee would review it.

Discussion took place on how to stimulate pro-activity, on encouraging green tourism, walks from stations and on whether it was sensible to remain in membership of Highland Railway Heritage. Doubtless we shall return to these issues.