Minutes of Committee Meeting on 9 December, Tain
Present: Richard Ardern (RA), Mike Lunan (ML), Angus Stewart (ASt), Iain MacDonald (IM), Anne Sutherland (ASu), Roger Piercy (RP), Janice Stewart (JS) and Gavin Sinclair (GS). Apologies: John Melling (JM)
Minutes of 26 August meeting agreed.
AGM matters arising: Draft minutes circulated for discussion
A letter has been received from Mr. Moore's solicitor requiring an apology for words used at the 2005 AGM. It was agreed to make a suitable response.
Change of Treasurer - JS updated and briefed on Treasurer responsibilities. JS updated the Committee on the current finances. It was agreed to re-invest the 1 year bond. JS replaces Ron Stevenson as signatory of cheques.
ASt - Membership update. Membership numbers as detailed at the AGM. 196 which is an increase of 7 members from last year. Seven Community Councils are members of FoFNL.
Co-opted members. The Office-bearers confirmed the co-option of ASu and IM. Other names were mentioned but it was decided not to make any further co-options until after the July AGM.
2007 AGM. Draft dates circulated in advance and now arranged for Saturday 14 July in Thurso. GS to arrange venue. ML to invite speakers Mary Dickson (MD First ScotRail), Bill Davidson (MD Northlink Ferries) and Frank Roach (Highland Rail Partnership). John Thurso MP, as President, will be invited. [Later it was found that Bill Davidson was unavailable.]
Annual summer outing will be combined with the AGM to encourage a better turn out at the AGM and for people to visit Caithness and Orkney. Provisional plan is, after the AGM, sail to Stromness and have a day out on the Sanday Light Railway on Sunday 15 July. Details will be published in advance. [Later it was found that the Sanday Light Railway was to cease trading.]
AGM format will be speakers between 1130 and 1300, lunch and AGM business 1415 - 1600.
GS updated the Committee on timetable issues and his role in informing the timetable recast planned for December 2008.
RP circulated a draft new membership form to allow for consent for personal details to be published.
The Constitution, as agreed at the 2006 AGM, was signed by the Convener and Secretary.
A Constitutional Amendment will be tabled at the 2007 AGM that would require annual subscriptions for existing members to be paid by 31 March, otherwise they would cease membership. At the same time the situation for members newly joining in the later part of the year would be tidied up.
Highland Railway Heritage - updated by RA. The committee decided to discontinue, meantime, any sponsorship of the HRH directorships. Keith Harman to be thanked for work over the years.
Next Meeting, 22 March, Inverness.