Progress Report
As part of his job as Rail Development Consultant, Frank Roach is required to compile monthly Progress Reports. These are submitted to Highland Rail Developments and the contents of the last two are summarised below.
- Beauly Station Reopening Objective 1 application has been submitted; a decision is awaited. The planning process for the access road is ongoing.
- Discussions with ScotRail marketing underway about a window gazer for Kyle and North lines. Now in production.
- A reply was sent to Rail magazine and Christian Wolmar, ("BUSTITUTION") following the latter's suggestion that the Far North line was 'slow and drab', and a suitable candidate for bustitution.
- Continuing work with Graham Steele of Motorail.
- Poets will again feature on North trains during the Highland Festival in May.
- Lobbying for Tain Commuter train.
- BritRail/InterRail apportionment (bustitution)
- Invergordon Port Authority siding. A further meeting with the Scottish Office has proved fruitful. If the go ahead is given soon, a train per week of grain for the distillery can be won. The Planning Committee arc due to decide on the scheme next week.
- Ledmore marble logistics.
- All timber producers and harvesters are to be circulated with information on lineside loading, as this scheme now has Objective 1 funding. They are to submit proposed loading sites.
- Fearn residents have voiced their concerns about the dust storms caused by lime traffic. Meetings have taken place with EWS and HC Protective Services.
- Logistical help has been provided for Thurso timber traffic.
- A trial run took place to Georgemas with a Safeway refrigerated wagon.
- Far North 125 anniversary plans are underway. A photographic and memorabilia display has been proposed for Thurso. It is hoped that a ScotRail unit naming and a Class 66 visit will take place. The virtual exhibition on the National Archive for Scotland is under discussion.
- Brora developments.
- The Crossrail Link road report has been produced.
- Journey time reductions contained in Railtrack's NMS point the way ahead for small scale but effective incremental improvements at a time when the Dornoch Bridge has resurfaced in the press. It is also pleasing to see a change in the speed restriction at Shevock crossing.
- Involvement in Wick - Thurso regeneration.
- Ardgay land sale enquiry.