Winter Talk
The winter meeting will be held on Friday 21 November 2008 in the Magnus Room of the Royal Highland Hotel, Inverness Station, commencing 7.30 pm and will feature a talk by Callum MacLeod who was the Business Manager, Highland, based in Inverness, from 1986 until 1991. The four Area Managers, Inverness, Aberdeen, Fort William and Partick were under 'contract' to Callum to deliver the required train services. His slide show covers all the lines under his jurisdiction at the time - thus Inverness-Aberdeen, Inverness-Blair Atholl, Dingwall-Kyle and all the West Highland lines are included.
Within Network Rail, Callum is now the Safety Manager for S&T Projects on the Western Territory, based at 125 House at Swindon.
We hope this talk will attract a lot of attention especially amongst railway staff who served under Callum.