Proposal To Amend Subscription Rates
Members are asked to note that a proposal to amend Subscription rates will be put to the Annual General Meeting. The proposed rates are as follows:
Individual Members | £7.00 | (existing £5.00) |
Family Members | £10.00 | (new category - see note 1) |
Introductory Membership | £5.00 | (new category - see note 2) |
Corporate Members | £12.00 | (existing £10.00) |
Note 2 Introductory Membership is offered to new members for their first year. For clarification, this would not apply to lapsed members rejoining!
Our financial year runs from 1 April to 31 March. Subscriptions fall due in April. Payment for new members joining after 1 October will continue to cover them for the following year.
The new rates, if adopted at the AGM, will come into force on 1 April 2002. Payment at current rates will be honoured for any members paying in advance; we consider this only fair.
The present rates have applied since FoFNL's formation. The proposed changes are modest, and designed to ensure the costs incurred in servicing the membership do not exceed our subscription income. It is our intention, if the new rates are approved, to maintain them for the next 5 years.
Proposed by Keith Tyler and seconded by Stewart Campbell, this adjustment has the full support of your Executive Committee and we recommend its adoption by members at the meeting.