scotland (4K)
The Friends of the Far North Line
Cairdean Na Loine Tuath
the campaign group for rail north of Inverness - lobbying for improved services for the local user, tourist and freight operator

"To Train or Not to Train?"

I first heard about the £20 GNER fare offer from the web site of the Highland Rail Partnership and felt that I just had to share the information with you. To make sure my facts were going to be correct I logged onto the GNER website and not seeing any reference to the cheap fare I followed the instructions and went to the section for planning a journey. On entering the relevant information that 2 adults were travelling from Inverness to London you can imagine my surprise when I was presented with the following information.

Saver Return


Business Saver


Standard Open Return



Now, I am reasonably intelligent and interested in considering travelling by train but I think you would agree the above figures would put anyone off even considering taking the matter further. What bothers me most of all is that there is someone out there in the rail industry who can seriously calculate figures such as those and publish them and expect the general public to take rail travel seriously.

Oh, by the way, the next time I logged onto the site the £20 offer was staring at me on the first page - but I still haven't changed my mind about preferring to travel by car.

Your Editor