The Highland Railway - New Carriages
Since we described the handsome new sleeping cars (Issue 23) which were placed on the Highland line three months ago, the company have made further additions to their rolling stock. They recently received a score of new third-class carriages which are decidedly superior to any which have before run on the line. They are built on an improved principle; the compartments are cheerful, roomy and comfortable; the springs are very delicately arranged, and the running, consequently, very easy. The company has also added seven handsome composite carriages of great length, 36 feet or thereby, which consist of two first-class compartments, two second-class and two third-class; each sit on three pairs of wheels. To secure comfort to the occupants the directors adopted a patent style of build - Cleminson's radiating axle or flexible wheelbase. The merit of this system is that each pair of wheels adapt themselves automatically to the curves over which they pass.
The Railway Locomotive Workmen
We understand that the Directors of the Highland Railway Company recently intimated to the men employed in the locomotive works, Inverness, that they had resolved to reduce their wages to the extent of seven and half per cent in the case of men earning over 25s per week and of five per cent in the case of those who earn under 25s. The alternative of working 54 hours instead of 51 was offered. The men have agreed to accept the reduction which came into effect last week.