Committee Matters
Report of the Committee meetings held on Saturday 6th June 1998 at Fortrose, and 5th September at Kinbrace.
The membership has increased to 179. There is still a number of former members who have failed to renew their membership. The committee members are following up on lapsed members. The membership list has been computerised to improve the use of the data.
Community Councils will be targetted. As representatives of their local communities it will be benificial to our cause to have the opportunity of keeping them informed. A membership card, the size of a credit card is to be produced. The final design will be considered at the next meeting.
The committee expressed satisfaction at the success of the Dingwall Commuter Train and the possibility of re-opening of the downside platfrom at Beauly. Disappointment was expressed at the omission by ScotRail of this train from the Summer edition of the pocket timetable.
John Melling reported on the Highland Rail Partnership meeting he attended on 5th April. Freight traffic on the line needs watching. There had been some fish meal traffic from Invergordon to Kyle. The committee expressed concern at the delay in the development of a freight terminal in Caithness.
John Melling has been elected Chairman of the new Highland Railway Heritage company.
Discussion took place on the design of the Publicity leaflet and it was left to Roger Piercy to work up the new ideas.
John Moore tabled his report on his investigation of cycle hire options along the Line. (See earlier Cycling items)