Newsletter of The Friends of The Far North Line
Issue 55
January 2012

Keith Tyler, former Secretary of the Friends of the Far North Line, died towards the end of last year. Latterly and appropriately he lived in the former station building at Kinbrace. This issue is something a memorial to him as, in addition to an obituary, two items written by him for the journal of another society to which he belonged are reproduced inside. This refers to the some of the interesting aspects of life in the Highlands, including a memorable FoFNL meeting held at his home when the committee nearly came to stay. They are seen above on arrival of their train ay 10 o'clock, with Keith looking out of his doorway, unwilling to venture further in his slippers to greet them.
Richard Ardern (this photo previously appeared
on the back cover of FoFNL Newsletter May 2001