Scottish Railway Coats-of-Arms

The title of the Highland Railway dates from 1865, when the Inverness and Aberdeen Junction Railway amalgamated with the Inverness and Perth Railway. The armorial bearings of the Royal Burgh of Perth are a Pascal Lamb with silver staff and cross and a banner bearing the blue Saltire cross of Saint Andrew borne on a red shield, and bordered with a silver-flowered frame; the shield being placed on the breast of a golden two-headed eagle with outspread wings.
To the town of Inverness is usually attributed a red shield bearing a figure of Our Saviour on the cross. In the building up of the Highland device, the eagle, though with only one neck, was placed on a green ground, and upon it were displayed, side by side, the shields of Perth and Inverness. A garter of green bearing the words HIGHLAND RAILWAY COMPANY encircled all.