Newsletter of The Friends of The Far North Line
Issue 61
January 2014

Helmsdale restored! The external appearance following removal of the scaffolding. Compare this with the photo below. Mike Willmot continues the story of the restoration.
Mike Willmot

Helmsdale's station building under retoration. See story in previous newsletter
Mike Willmot

Russia has ways of dealing with motorists who think that they are exempt from stopping their vehicles at level crossings. It would be interesting to know how they cope with snow.

In this undated photograph, a pair of class 26 "Sulzers" pass at Brora. Both trains are considerably longer than today's single 2-car class 158s and would have conveyed separate Wick and Thurso portions. Visible in the background are "real" signals and a wagon in the yard. All of the track looks as though it has seen use. Could anyone with an interest in buses enlighten us as to the provenance of the two vehicles on the left, please, and tell us the routes they were working?
Andrew Fulluck