Scottish Region Engine Sheds & Their Motive Power. The 60 group: 60A to 60E.
(Steam Memories series no 94). Book Law Publications, 2017. 72pp. £9.99.
(£8.50 online at
ISBN 978-1-909625-70-9.
A volume of black and white photographs largely from the 1950s of steam engines at Inverness, Aviemore, Helmsdale, Wick and Forres and at their sub-sheds of Dingwall, Kyle, Boat of Garten, Dornoch, Tain, and Thurso. The photographs are of high quality with many gems, but the quality of the proof reading of the captions is not so good.
The only photograph of Tain shed is from 1961 after the engines had left showing it acting as a store for two lines of covered vans. My memories from 1959 were of the same two engines nos 45098 and 54470 stabled there on consecutive nights. Might one or more of our members have a photograph showing at least one locomotive at Tain shed which we might print in a future issue of FNE?