Having heard a rumour that the FNL was to be closed in June we received this from Network Rail:
"The line closures are due to two lengthy disruptive possessions. One is between Helmsdale and Georgemas, Sunday 08 June 23:10 to Monday 30 June 06:15 inclusive. The other is between Rogart and Helmsdale, Monday 09 June 01:20 to Monday 30 June 05:00 inclusive."
For the duration of the works replacement bus services will be in place between Inverness and Wick.
We've not been able to discover the nature of the work being done, but track renewal seems likely.
This has meant that our AGM will now take place on Friday 4 July from 12:00-15:30. The venue will be the Norseman Hotel, Wick. Full details will be posted on our website and Facebook Page.